Sureserve Fire & Electrical, part of the Sureserve Group, has been overseeing maintenance of fire safety equipment for A2Dominion since May 2011. We are currently responsible for the maintenance, repair, upgrade and installation of fire equipment, together with electrical testing, PAT testing and communal lighting.
The fast flow of accurate, real-time information is critical for our mobile workforce to be effective. Appointments and tasks are digitally recorded and updated in real time, automatically reducing the time it takes to maintain paper-based work management and keeping all records up to date. We can provide accurate snapshots of assets where required. A secure web portal ensures that our client and its residents have access to real-time information, helping them to stay informed about specific aspects of delivery.
It is this technology which gives us the ability to make more informed decisions that lead to faster responses and, ultimately, to more uptime and satisfied customers, the key to our ongoing successful relationship with A2Dominion.
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